Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Fan Clutch And Cooling Issues

Brought out the big boy. It is freakin moist and hot today.

And they said Bush was to blame for Katrina ;) Same on the VC bolts on my 91 when I did the VC cover. Dont forget to clean out the crank vent orifice while your at it. You'll need a very small drill bit or wire about around 20th thick IIRC. Just dont drill it out and make it bigger!!
Wow, If the first bunch of pics are before you cleaned anything at all it looks great in there. Same for the rockers as Ive seen a few pics that you literally almost couldent tell where the rockers were due to a massive buildup around and over everything. Speculation from the posters of the pics was its a result of Penzoil use. Id say never changing the oil was the culprit. The dark areas of oil residue are nothing to worry about. the entire inside of my VC looked like that more less. It do get hot in there ya know.
The valve cover bolts are never tight if a cork gasket was in use. As soon as they torque them, the gasket compresses soon after and the bolts lose all torque. Causes lots of leaky headaches, don't know how the cork gaskets were ever considered to be a good idea. The rubber gasket you can torque to stock spec or tighter and it won't really matter as the rubber is very hard and will retain torque on the bolts excellently. I never had a leak once I switched to the same gasket you used (the blue one).
Wow, If the first bunch of pics are before you cleaned anything at all it looks great in there. Same for the rockers as Ive seen a few pics that you literally almost couldent tell where the rockers were due to a massive buildup around and over everything. Speculation from the posters of the pics was its a result of Penzoil use. Id say never changing the oil was the culprit. The dark areas of oil residue are nothing to worry about. the entire inside of my VC looked like that more less. It do get hot in there ya know.
Hah, I love comments like that about any specific oil brand. Run any oil too long and that will happen, you could do it with any brand and quiz people and they'd never be able to tell you what brand it was. I've run pretty much every oil on the shelf at one point or another, can't say any caused anything unique vs the others, and they're all regulated so you're pretty much getting the same thing in most of the jugs, within reason.
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The only thing I didnt clean was inside the 2 crankcase vacuum ports. I didnt know if I could resue the rubber gasket. I wanted to get the valve cover back on the motor as soon as I could so my rockers werent exposed to the elements.
Hah, I love comments like that about any specific oil brand. Run any oil too long and that will happen, you could do it with any brand and quiz people and they'd never be able to tell you what brand it was. I've run pretty much every oil on the shelf at one point or another, can't say any caused anything unique vs the others, and they're all regulated so you're pretty much getting the same thing in most of the jugs, within reason.
Once tore a 460 apart and when I popped the valve covers off, it still had valve covers.
Another mechanic I worked with said "That's a Penzoil motor!".
I said no, It's an neglected and barbecued motor.
  • USA Proud
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Once tore a 460 apart and when I popped the valve covers off, it still had valve covers.
Another mechanic I worked with said "That's a Penzoil motor!".
I said no, It's an neglected and barbecued motor.
Agreed fully lol. Unless you’re pouring bacon grease down the oil filler, it’s gonna run on anything off the shelf. Any oil related problems beyond that are pretty much on you as certified abuse that could have been prevented. I’m sure there are exceptions but those aren’t the majority.
  • USA Proud
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Agreed fully lol. Unless you’re pouring bacon grease down the oil filler, it’s gonna run on anything off the shelf. Any oil related problems beyond that are pretty much on you as certified abuse that could have been prevented. I’m sure there are exceptions but those aren’t the majority.
True That!
Used to be Castrol guy, and couldn't tell you why.
Later went with Mobil !, probably because regular "cheap" oil got to be the same price as synthetic, so why not.
None of it lasts forever.
Is there anything that can be saved/rebuilt from the AC components after removing them? Eventually, I would like to add the AC back.

Hoses will be thrown away of course and I will be throwing away the receiver drier.

Is it best to buy a new compressor or can it be rebuilt?

Same with the AC unit, can it be rebuilt? It would howl like a ghoul when I had tested it out previously.

Is the condenser reusable?
They also have this. Not really wanting to spend that kind of money yet though:

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They also have this. Not really wanting to spend that kind of money yet though:

That's not a bad price for all New.
I think I'd toss all the old and go that route if you ever want it back.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters