Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Fan Clutch And Cooling Issues

Ha, learned that one a long time ago. Yup. Pain in the ass. Make sure you mock it up on the engine as you go. And only go snug, don’t keep turning it if you can’t make it back around to where it needs to be on the engine. It needs to be tight but not so tight that you can’t make the tube back to its natural position by continuing to tighten.
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This is already pretty tight. It is hard to put any torque on it to keep it turning. I may need to put it in a vice to give it one more turn?

20211010_092312.jpg there nothing made in China anymore? If you can get at it once installed you should be able to snug it up or put it in a vise but be gentle so you dont crack the casting.
Vice isnt working. I am just gonna leave it where it is at and see how it does.

What should be the simplest f***ing thing is the most stupidest f***ing thing
I see nothing wrong, the pipe never goes all the way in or even close, it’s tapered thread like those steering lines if I remember right. Here is how my water pump has been for years

Sigh, went to go start it up. No start. I dont hear the fuel pump chiming on. I have no fuel pressure from the release valve. I think my fuel pump finally pooped out on me.

I tried switching around the relays, but nothing.
It also hasnt been started in plus 2 weeks. I am positive I have everything connected back, the belt is on right, the battery is good. I am not getting any codes. Just the 12 and 55.

Could possibly be the socket connection in the relay box, I have had that issue before for the fuel pump socket.

I just havent touched the relays for months until just now.
Just to make sure you are getting the check engine light when you turn the key to run right? Could definitely be the pump dying. You could pull the fuel relay and make sure power is getting to the relay properly.
Just to make sure you are getting the check engine light when you turn the key to run right? Could definitely be the pump dying. You could pull the fuel relay and make sure power is getting to the relay properly.
Yea, I am getting an engine light when I turn the key.

Pull relay, turn key, and test the socket with a meter?
Yea, I am getting an engine light when I turn the key.

Pull relay, turn key, and test the socket with a meter?
You’d have to test the socket while someone else turns the key, since it only turns the fuel pump on for a second when the key is turned on. It would actually be kind of hard to test that because the pcm operates the relay by grounding it. A better way to test would be hold the relay with your fingers while someone else flips the key. If you felt the relay click then you would know power is going to the pump, and then if the pump is making no noise, of course a new pump would be needed.
Felt the click.

And , dont know if it matters, but I contonuity here while turned off:


When the key is in the ON position, I have continuity between all the holes except the middle one.

Huh, I only had continuity when I tested your second pic, key on or off. So that’s the left and the upper. Never got continuity with any other testing. You’ll never get anything from the middle because there’s not a terminal there, they don’t use that pin for that relay.

But if you felt the relay click, that’s what matters, your pump is getting power. Sounds like you need a new pump unfortunately.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts