The 12" and 11" clutch are the same from what I remember. At least on the Dakota. The flywheel looks right and if memory serves the Dakota and ram set ups are very similar. My apologize but I didn't see the posts until today. I don't think the Hemi flywheel and starter combo will fly with a Liberty bell housing. I couldn't get the 11" clutch and went 12". No clearance issue at all with the flywheel or clutch. I had to clean up the flywheel as it had a 11" clutch disc its whole life. Both fit under the same pressure plate.
I used a 1996 Dakota starter. Just make sure you get the face mount as there are two worries. I actually got the Dakota bellhousing, I didn’t want to screw with trying to mishmosh a gaggle to put together to get it to work. Oh well, the liberty housing was cheap. Live and learn I guess. I was hoping the hemi flywheel and all will work since I have all the accessories from the hemi engine, and wouldn’t have to also figure out what starter to also match up and etc.