Stumped by short to ground

I was confused because I didn’t see anything that would open that AC dk green wire from going all the way to ground. I guess the diode does that, or at least resists the current? I don’t even know what a diode does, but when I saw it in the harness I wondered if that was the problem.

I think it’s 50/50 that I’ll put in JeepAir in the next year or so.
A diode is basically a check valve. Lets current go one way but not the other. If the diode was not there, the way it’s wired would pop the fuse immediately because the current would short straight to ground. The diode stops that from happening. But the diode probably stopped working as a check valve and might be shorting the circuit now.

If you’re going to use JeepAir then the green wire won’t matter.
I forgot about that AC plug. It should be chilling unused up under the dash and probably zip tied to the steering column or somewhere in that vicinity. I talked about it on here ages ago. It has like 6 wires on it and shares blower motor power from the heater blower motor power. totally forgot about that.

And what I also forgot to mention is that that circuit goes to a diode that goes to ground, as shown in your clip of the diagram. I still don't understand the point of that but there was a guy who kept shorting that circuit a few years ago and his diode had gone bad. That is probably where your problem is. If not, then the green wire may be shorted to metal somewhere between the fuse panel and the AC connector.
I found that old thread you mentioned; linked here for any future fellow travelers.

The diode looks like a 3inch piece of black heat shrink with dk hrn going in and blk wire going out. It is in the loom behind the instrument/gauge cluster above the heater control, so anyone needing to access it or the AC connector doesn’t have to remove the fuse block, steering wheel speedo/tachy and open up nearly the entire loom like I did.