Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Fan Clutch And Cooling Issues

Damn, Doop, your luck is about as bad as mine.
Visited my Joop yesterday to see if I could fish the sender wire out the "but crack", but no joy.
It's been a while so I don't fully remember, but I don't think I could get to my wiring even with the body lift. Then once I pulled the tank and put it all back together, I was able to tweak the routing a bit which gave me enough access to be able to plug and unplug at will. So worst case, you can get to it later after you put the tank back up and have fixed the routing of the wiring a bit.
I took the Jeep out for an hour test drive yesterday evening. So far so good. Nothing blew up and leaked everywhere, so it seems I torqued everything down right. -Knocks on wood 5 times-

Temperature also stayed near 190 and never went any higher.
At least someone is getting to enjoy their Jeep!
That's awesome!
Have great time!
I'm looking forward to more "camp fire Jeeping" instead of the usual troubles.
At least among those of us regulars.

Things like, you wouldn't believe where I took the Jeep weekend.
My new locker is awesome, This winch is great, other adventures, etc.

Not that I'm complaining about troubles, as most of us are here for just that reason.
And I certainly enjoy helping when I can.
But you can't beat Good News or great story.
Camp fire Jeeping sounds like a blast. I need to find me some offroad buds over here. I joined a Jeep club, I felt out of place though. Alot of money in those JKs and JLs and very very flashy. Lights in the rims and underneath. Angry eyes galore fest. I did get ducked at one of the meetings though. Not sure what that means.

Over here it is just swamp and forest and the light pollution still sucks over here to really see a star lit night.

There are two off road rec parks. LA 4x4 (about an hour away) used to be public, but now you have to sign up for a $300 annual membership to ride there. The other park is called Sicily Island (about 2.5 hours from me), which is mainly for hardcore rock climbers. Very few beginner/intermediate trails.
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When I bought my YJ I lived in Beaumont, so I joined the SETX Jeepers club. Originally thought it was cool, but it didn't take long to have the same opinion as you. Very expensive JKs back then (brand new 2012 and 2013 mostly), outfitted with the finest RGB headlights, angry grille, fab fours grumper junk. Hardly anyone could talk anything technical, nothing about repairs they had done (of course not, most of them were new still), and just overall I had nothing in common with them. There were always a few YJ folks but even some of them were hard to relate to, depending.

when I get my YJ done I really need to take it somewhere. Enough of putting around town. I love gears and power and decent acceleration and all that but I've spent a lot of money and would like to do something with it that isn't sitting in the garage, talking with JK owners with flashy colorful headlights in the parking lot, or running errands around town. I still really want to hit up black bear, just need to make sure it can physically get me there reliably since I haven't put it to the test in a while. Big Bend also seems awesome.
The club president wanted to see the new member's rides. He looked at mine and said, "Now that's a Jeep!". It was also December and the temps were in the low 40s. I had no Jeep top on. And I was wearing just pants, boots, leather jacket, and a scarf for my face. I told him this isn't my first rodeo, as I had already drove to work a few times at 5 in the morning with low 40 temp. He called me a true Jeeper. So that was nice. He never did post my Jeep photos on the facebook club page though. Ah well, I am probably better off as a lone wolf anyways.

Big Bend looks awesome. The main reason I would like to see it is there is no light pollution there and damnit, I want to see the night sky. Give me that Milky Way. I would hate for my Jeep to break down on those trails though, as it seems like there is barely any reception out there to call for help. And you were talking about Black Bear Pass. Another on my list. It will be nice to get mine out in Colorado and see some mountains. Tennessee may have some stuff in the Smokies to check out.

Are there any plans for a forum meet, greet, and ride?
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Overall I agree. I mostly keep to myself about my jeep (besides here), as most people especially JK owners are just plain not interested in the older stuff, nor the hard work us older rig guys put into customizing and improving and repairing our rides. It's just not the same to them as it is to us. They are about waving, buying stickers from the FB group, and going to the beach or local parking lot. Nothing wrong with that, just not really up our alley like it is theirs.

I'm down for a ride to big bend and black bear each. No issues with a meet and greet, just need anyone to be up for it. The biggest thing I need is to get off my arse and get my jeep done so i can actually meet up with it. After that I'm good for pretty much whatever.

I am definitely not wanting to do anything alone. While I don't expect major failures, you just never know and being out there alone is a recipe for trouble if you have no cell service and can't reach anyone with the CB, which I don't even have yet.
Ill wave to other Jeeps. If it is a CJ or YJ I hold my beer up. Im kidding im kidding I dont drink and drive. It is usually a water bottle or what ever soft drink I am drinking.

Yeah, I mean my waterpump decided to finally die driving home from work. I wonder what else it about to die of I am by myself.
Alright, I think I resolved the transmission line leak. The radiator came with two size nozzles. My old radiator used the ones on the left (bigger nozzle), but I also changed out my hoses and they were not fittinf well on the bigger nozzle. They fit perfectly on the smaller nozzle.

I went ahead and change the leaking side with the bigger nozzle and the new hose I bought went on perfectly because of the oil. So there ya go.

Ill go ahead and change the othet side to the bigger nozzle even though there are no leaks.

As far as the coolant, it may have been my rad cap wasn't on all the way. We'll see. Going for another test ride. It is breezy and 70* F over herr.

The club president wanted to see the new member's rides. He looked at mine and said, "Now that's a Jeep!". It was also December and the temps were in the low 40s. I had no Jeep top on. And I was wearing just pants, boots, leather jacket, and a scarf for my face. I told him this isn't my first rodeo, as I had already drove to work a few times at 5 in the morning with low 40 temp. He called me a true Jeeper. So that was nice. He never did post my Jeep photos on the facebook club page though. Ah well, I am probably better off as a lone wolf anyways.

Big Bend looks awesome. The main reason I would like to see it is there is no light pollution there and damnit, I want to see the night sky. Give me that Milky Way. I would hate for my Jeep to break down on those trails though, as it seems like there is barely any reception out there to call for help. And you were talking about Black Bear Pass. Another on my list. It will be nice to get mine out in Colorado and see some mountains. Tennessee may have some stuff in the Smokies to check out.

Are there any plans for a forum meet, greet, and ride?
The meet, greet, ride is an AWSOME idea!
It would take a lot of planning and leg work, but I love the idea.
I'm going to look into the logistics and see just how practical that might be, maybe we can get something going.

I am an old clubber myself and they were some of the best days of my life, I had great mentor when I was just a pup.
Though the club scene then was same as it is now, fancy Jeeps behind coaches, and the little guys they looked down on.
I was one of the little guys, but I wasn't afraid to ding my Jeep!
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters