Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Does the YJ Deserve a Star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame?


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Jun 10, 2022
So let's have some fun with YJ trivia...
How about naming screen appearances over the years in which YJ's appeared?
I'll start if off with the most recognized/famous of 'em all, Jurassic Park.
Here's a couple more...
Road House starring Patrick Swayze and a TV series Bloodlines starring Sissy Spacek.
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TV show Matlock

I remember one with Reese Witherspoon taking her drivers test in a YJ but can’t remember the name.
Lots of YJs in the Walking Dead franchise across multiple different series/seasons. Also a YJ was the base for Rover 1 in The 100.
Can't forget Back to the Future, and also there was a YJ Renegade in a movie called Silk Stockings.




Lots of YJs in the Walking Dead franchise across multiple different series/seasons. Also a YJ was the base for Rover 1 in The 100.
Can't forget Back to the Future, and also there was a YJ Renegade in a movie called Silk Stockings.

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Yeah, I believe it was a YJ that Rick Grimes was driving when he was chasing down the Humvee with the ma deuce 50 shooting at him. That’s the main reason I bought a Wrangler, the grill and windshield frame will deflect 50 BMG rounds with out any damage. What a vehicle. Never mind the 50 cal had no visible recoil, and was feeding 30 cal belt ammo. Yeah I know I’m being a little picky, after all it is Hollywood. I did overlook the fact that they were battling the undead but come on.
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I remember one with Reese Witherspoon taking her drivers test in a YJ but can’t remember the name.
Ok the movie was Clueless and the actress was Alicia Silverstone, my bad. Silverstone, Witherspoon, Silverspoon Witherstone, put them in a box shake ‘‘em up.
Everybody’s mentioned the movies I would have mentioned. There was an episode (or maybe a few) in the show 24 (I think season 3 or 5) where the bad guys had a fleet of like 3 YJs or something like that.

Watching older 90s show, I actually see YJs passing by quite a bit. I’ve seen probably 4 or 5 in seinfeld just briefly whizzing by when they’re outside, or parked on the side of the city streets.
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The reporter in Beyond the Law, where Charlie Sheen goes undercover in a biker gang, is driving a YJ. Not any stills I found on a google images search but I own the movie on Youtube and captured this screenshot.

I can't find a photo of it but at 10:12 into the move Sheen pulls her over for speeding. You get a rear driver's quarter shot of the Jeep looks to be an SE or Rio. Has a Jeep dealer logo on the back but I can't make it out.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts