Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

What is this?


New Member
Dec 11, 2020
Springfield mo
Jeep won't start with indications of a bad ecm. Got a new one, no help. Wondering if I need to do something with this little guy

That's an air conditioning plug for 2.5L only YJs, of course equipped for AC.

What are the issues? What year, engine, transmission? What has been done to troubleshoot?
93 2.5 4 cyl, 5 speed (no a/c). Cranks fine, won't start. No check engine light. Changed ecu, no help.
Hmm that does sound PCM related. If you turn the key to battery mode and wait a few minutes, does the CEL ever come on and fire the fuel pump? Wondering if the replacement PCM is bad also.
Code reader plug? I didn't think they had those.
Maybe a bad crankshaft position sensor
It’s zip tied to the loom that goes to the PCM. Upper driver’s side of firewall area. Close to the brake booster. Have to use older style tools to plug into it.

Sadly, a bad crank sensor won’t cause the check engine light to malfunction.
Check the CEL bulb circuit and the bulb itself. Good question earlier if it ever comes on.

I found a good electrical contract cleaner like DeoxIT solves many problems.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts