I've got a lot I could come up with but your post reminds me of the first ratcheting box wrench I ever bought: 9/16". It was 2013 and I was in the middle of the transfer case removal, working on the 6 nuts on the studs. Since they live between the confines of the transmission ribbing, you can't put a ratchet on them and a standard non ratchet wrench takes forever with a million partial turns.
I got up in the middle of stud number one, borrowed the parents car, drove clear across town 20 minutes away to sears, bought the one single wrench (high school kid so no money), and went back home. I probably didn't save any time but man it really saved pain on my wrist/arm.
I finally bought a full set of ratcheting wrenches (husky brand, 30 piece) for $70 at Home Depot, Black Friday 2019. Great purchase, although I have misplaced one or two of them by now.
There are many tools that I've bought for the YJ that would have made my life much harder without them. My bolt thread tester is a big one there, I use it all the time.