Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Took the old girl camping

I appreciate that sir, it was a tough decision.
I'll be ok for a while, prob cash the 401k too and take early retirement.
Sad thing is, it's not even the companies fault.
Technically being fed contractors, they have to bend the knee to an Idiot with an unlawful edict.
30 years down the commode:(
This BS infuriates me and Im so sorry to hear this is happening to you. I heard last night in NY the new hospital medical staff will be Nat Guard members. No disrespect to them, but I cannot wait till the tide turns on this idiot and his minions we are being screwed by. My neighbor works at Summit in S/L and shares horror stories of the current state of affairs there. Of course the news wont say chit about how bad it really is. Just insane how things have become.
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This BS infuriates me and Im so sorry to hear this is happening to you. I heard last night in NY the new hospital medical staff will be Nat Guard members. No disrespect to them, but I cannot wait till the tide turns on this idiot and his minions we are being screwed by. My neighbor works at Summit in S/L and shares horror stories of the current state of affairs there. Of course the news wont say chit about how bad it really is. Just insane how things have become.
What time is it that people are expected to listen to ol Joe, Nancy, and Kamaly.. Is it the time in January, when all 3 said Trumps vaccine was too dangerous because it would take years of testing before it would be safe. Or a complete flip flop only 3 months later when it suddenly became the best thing since sliced bread. With NO explanation of the change of hart. And if asked a question as to the flip flop, turn and walk off the stage. Hmmmmm, makes me think.
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This BS infuriates me and Im so sorry to hear this is happening to you. I heard last night in NY the new hospital medical staff will be Nat Guard members. No disrespect to them, but I cannot wait till the tide turns on this idiot and his minions we are being screwed by. My neighbor works at Summit in S/L and shares horror stories of the current state of affairs there. Of course the news wont say chit about how bad it really is. Just insane how things have become.
Infuriating doesn't quite say it.
I'm sick to death of the non-stop nonsense that I know will Never end...And is just going to get worse.
A year & half of the regular covid crap is starting to cause me psychological harm.
Just discovered I have about $100k more in the 401 than I thought, so it's definitely early retirement for me, I'm just done.
Now it's just a question when do I drop the bomb, they keep moving the deadline goal-posts.
3 days, or nights rather to work before early retirement myself. But this has been planed for quite sometime. I have a feeling you will make out alright. Best of luck.
In one day I've gone from expecting termination next week, to wondering when to resign, they moved the dead-line 2 mos.
The cheese is always in motion at this place, and I grow weary of chasing it.
If your on civil terms with HR have a sit down with him/her. In my case a few weeks one way or the other would have added some to my retirement. I worried I stepped out to soon, now I have NO regrets. If ya get bored there is plenty of work to be had compliments the Biden clan who'd rather sit on their asses and collect hand outs. Look at it as a new chapter in life that you control and enjoy not crawling outta bed at O dark 30 every morn ;)
If your on civil terms with HR have a sit down with him/her. In my case a few weeks one way or the other would have added some to my retirement. I worried I stepped out to soon, now I have NO regrets. If ya get bored there is plenty of work to be had compliments the Biden clan who'd rather sit on their asses and collect hand outs. Look at it as a new chapter in life that you control and enjoy not crawling outta bed at O dark 30 every morn ;)
That's pretty much how I'm seeing it, and I couldn't pick a better time to get out of the market either.
Though I need to talk to a financial planner for other options.:cautious:
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters