Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Plumber builds Jeep (crickets)


May 21, 2020
Oliver BC
In my intro I put some info on what I’m doing here, you can read that if you want. I’ve got a 94 soft top, had it a long time, got pissed off at the hood and painted it, got pissed off at the result so decided to go full-on rattlecan Olive Drab on the whole thing.

One thing led to another and started ordering stuff online like a madman. Fender flares first, then bumpers, hood hardware, body lift. 2” add a spring. Signal lights.

I’m a plumber. Ive never painted. I’ve done minimal mechanical maintenance but I’m no gear head by any stretch. Don’t even have any friends that are, couple old guys I can get advice from I suppose.

But for the most part I’m going in pretty blind. At least I’ve got a brain in my head and can use a measuring tape. I took my time laying out the new fender flares the other day and pretty stoked at how they’re gonna look. Never done body work before but after filling in all the holes from the old flares and a few dings and one dent and replacing one fender I figure I did alright.

Might post a pic or two today. The body’s pretty much ready for primer. Still got some work to do on the doors and windshield, I’ll do that while the body primers curing.

This all reminds me of the first job I ever had, I was on a shovel digging a ditch and the foreman said to me, “Shawn, you dig like you f**k, all enthusiasm and no skill!” So here I am again, all enthusiasm. Fingers crossed I don’t f**k a bunch of s**t up!
Well, fun day. Final sanding, gave ‘er a warsh and primed some plastic bits. Most tedious work? Sanding the hole I filled where the 3rd brake light wire used to stick out. Wee bit of hand sanding there. Zero ventilation in the cold storage room I used as the mini paint booth. Held my breath best I could but jeez, my brain hurts. And apparently you gotta take pics landscape mode or they’re sideways here Chris?



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Strange, I fixed them for you though. The EXIF date on your phone / camera must not be working correctly. Either that or the forum isn't reading the EXIF data properly. Either way, it's easy for me to fix (y)
Sure liking this Forum, this thread in particular, if nothing else it’s a place for future me to look back and say “here’s when it all went to rat s**t.”
For the immediate future I predict a day full of masking tape, newspaper and a sore wrist from shaking cans of grey primer. Clear skies, warm, it’s 6am and I’ve had and hour to drink coffee and get mentally prepared.
  • Haha
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God what a long day. Masking takes forever! And I hardly did any, found some old poly laying around the barn, did the grease and wax remover thing and 2 coats of primer on the body. Hood and doors tomorrow. And 2 coats of Olive on the fender flares. And the guy looking after the house on the property swung by, they want me to put in a new fancy schmancy bathtub for them this week so while the paints curing maybe I can make enough scratch for the interior?

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Dear Diary,
Primered today.
Love Shawn
Only thing not primered now is the inside 1/2 of the windshield. Wasn’t happy with my first primer attempt on the body. After sitting for two days, one swipe with well soaked 400 grit across the cowl and I was down to bare metal. Might have been crappy primer, I used some kinda no-name stuff at the end. So I did ‘er all again. Way slower, trouble light in one hand, twice around the mulberry bush. Gonna go very very very easy on the wet sand. On Thursday morning. With 600 grit. Fingers crossed I’m going GREEN on Friday
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Up with the birdies this morning, got an appointment today and going to look at a pair of seats from a Sprinter van. Grey leather/vinyl and look like new by the pic. Asking $75 CDN, that’s like $30 for you guys. Abandoned at an RV park. Ordered a carpet kit yesterday and told myself that’s it for new stuff. Waiting for a reply from a dude with a dash pad too, he’s about an hour away. That could happen today too.
So heading up to the barn to prime the other 1/2 of the windshield and pull a seat to check bolt pattern stuff. Can’t wait to get this done and take Blue for a ride.

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Nice that the barns owned by people I sometimes do work for cause after I pull it out to let the primer bake in the sun for the day I’m walking over to the house and putting in a bathtub. Second attempt on a light wet sand this afternoon, and at some point a dry run with the Sprinter seats I picked up for $60 yesterday that are like new. Maybe rip out the rest of the carpet. eBay tracking shows my carpet kit just out of Seattle which is about a 5 hour drive from where I live, but my shipping date is June 16. 3 weeks? WTF??
Nice that the barns owned by people I sometimes do work for cause after I pull it out to let the primer bake in the sun for the day I’m walking over to the house and putting in a bathtub. Second attempt on a light wet sand this afternoon, and at some point a dry run with the Sprinter seats I picked up for $60 yesterday that are like new. Maybe rip out the rest of the carpet. eBay tracking shows my carpet kit just out of Seattle which is about a 5 hour drive from where I live, but my shipping date is June 16. 3 weeks? WTF??

I'm sure it will get stuck in customs for a long time. I suspect it could be backordered.
I'm sure it will get stuck in customs for a long time. I suspect it could be backordered.
Haha. It’s going the wrong way! It’s in Oregon now, further away. Instead of crossing the border at Vancouver they’re probably gonna truck it to Detroit and over to Toronto just to keep it interesting
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By the time I put her to bed after washing all the wet sanding sludge off it was 9pm. Should be dry enough for some green paint in the morning. Test shot one of the removable roll cage bits that connect to the windshield with some gloss black Krylon “hammered finish” stuff. Should match the bumpers I ordered pretty close. Was getting kinda dark when I did it and the seats are gonna work awesome
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Haha. It’s going the wrong way! It’s in Oregon now, further away. Instead of crossing the border at Vancouver they’re probably gonna truck it to Detroit and over to Toronto just to keep it interesting

This has happened to me a number of times with USPS.

I order something and it goes the wrong way, gets stuck somewhere it shouldn't, then starts going the right way.

It's not normal, it usually means it got on the wrong truck or plane. Annoying as hell though :LOL:
Gotta check tracking right now......:
Yep. After chilling in Oregon it spent some time in Brigham, Utah yesterday and now it’s in Laramie, Wyoming! Dunno how good this carpets gonna look after I soak it in bleach to wash all the Covids off it?
  • Wow
  • Haha
Reactions: Squatch and Chris
Gotta check tracking right now......:
Yep. After chilling in Oregon it spent some time in Brigham, Utah yesterday and now it’s in Laramie, Wyoming! Dunno how good this carpets gonna look after I soak it in bleach to wash all the Covids off it?

Haha, wow... looks like that package is taking a tour of the entire U.S. :LOL:
I'm enjoying this thread quite a bit. You've got a great sense of humor, and I'm looking forward to seeing your project when it's done (But as we all know, they're never really "done"...;)).
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I'm enjoying this thread quite a bit. You've got a great sense of humor, and I'm looking forward to seeing your project when it's done (But as we all know, they're never really "done"...;)).
Hey Squatch, glad you’re enjoying. I love getting into stuff I know nothing about and learning as I go. Must be a bit of a masochist.
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Holy crap. Just read what Walts doing with HIS Jeep, that man knows his s**t! My younger self woulda read that and felt like something that starts with a D and rhymes with OOSH but I’m old now and just happy I figured how to jam a set of van seats into the old wreck. My labours (Canadian spelling) are starting to pay off. Went green today! Never had myself pegged as a mouth-breather but my Krylon Ultra-Flat Camouflage Olive teeth, lips and tongue prove otherwise, gross. 6 cans got me around twice not counting doors, hood or windshield frame. Supposed to get a pretty wicked storm tonight hope the barn doesn’t fill up with rats seeking shelter, there was a couple paw prints and a chunk of scat on the cowl this morning, hate to think what they could do to my soft paint, yikes!

That paint goes bulletproof in 72 hours I hear so fingers crossed. Busy tomorrow but might get time after supper to wet sand the doors and windshield frame and ponder my Add-a-Spring goofy cheap ass lift kit

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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters