1/4 inch Steel...maybe they will release an aluminum version some day. Made in house at Motobilt, right here in the USA
Completely flat and no trans mount, so one would have to be fabbed. The Genright universal trans mount kit comes to mind.
Love seeing folks supporting and building new parts for our YJ’s.

Flat Belly Skid Plate for Jeep YJ
The Flat Belly Skid Plate for Jeep YJ is laser cut and formed from high strength 1/4” thick steel plate. The high clearance flat belly skid plate gives about 3.5” of more ground clearance in the center of the Jeep YJ.

Completely flat and no trans mount, so one would have to be fabbed. The Genright universal trans mount kit comes to mind.
Love seeing folks supporting and building new parts for our YJ’s.