STICKY Jeep Wrangler YJ Factory Service Manuals (FSM) and Part Catalogs

I thought that this might be helpful to fellow YJ owners to make one sticky resource thread with all of the original factory service manuals and parts catalogs for 1987-1995 Jeep Wrangler YJs.

If you have anything I'm missing, please feel free to post them in this thread and I'll add them to the original post.
I grabbed the 1990 SM, but was really hoping you might have any specific manuals for the '91...(but beggars can't be choosers! Lol)

Thanks for making these available!
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I have an 87 jeep wrangler yj 2.5l and it jas a Double V belt style harmonic balancer/damper, and I can't find a replacement anywhere. Has anyone else ran I'm to this or know where to get one?
Did you already find your harmonic balancer? If so where did you get it? I'm having the same problem can't find one for my jeep.
the 98 supplement manual is here , old post but gee sticky;s win.?

I thought that this might be helpful to fellow YJ owners to make one sticky resource thread with all of the original factory service manuals and parts catalogs for 1987-1995 Jeep Wrangler YJs.

If you have anything I'm missing, please feel free to post them in this thread and I'll add them to the original post.

Chris, You are the F'n MAN!!!!!
And if anyone has any more manuals I am missing, please feel free to upload them here so I can add to the original post.

I want to keep these resources free and readily available to any current or future YJ owners!
Not sure if this is on the forum but this covers jeeps and alot more and may be useful.

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the CHARM works. with caveats.
it Violates this limit, in windoz. rules on file+folder name max char.
260 max w10-64 limited (even explorer local is)
the CHARM site must use linux with wonderful 4096 limit.

only cure is web to pdf converter.
so far none do all the pages (in the logical array of links (HUGE)
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one can also say , do the project so the HTML manual fits on a CD. (size is only 52/over /700MB) so must fit and run and work to full directory depth.
and does not.
I can only use this online, I have downloaded it and tried to open it with different zip programs and none of them work.
yes online, ok. sure. ( many servers are linux + apache) no limits there. 4096 limit (possible) oops I bet that is what they did.
offline is fails , for way too long of file , names, over 250
worse is they use spaces, endless in names, not under score or dashes, wasting 2 bytes per space used. (adds up fast when 1 named file uses 3 spaces.
it uses %20 (for each space) this 20H is space code in pure ASCII.(rules))
HTML URL rules. means (links to files on web pages)

there are apps that are free that can correct all these errors.
file name corrector apps. (file/folder) Truncating them.
I will look in to that.
the zip first must be fully extracted to a USB drive or to a folder (like C:/temp) keep it short the name.
then see it fail for all deep URL links in the HTML. (off line)
a shame they did not consider Windows rules or CD rules. sadly.
but who can complain free, it is. so we fix it.
here is my app (komposer) generating 1 link to one random deep file in the expanded, zip file to Z:temp
see all that wasted space there? no pun.
20 = space
25= %
the result of this mess, below just the files in the temp folder use 240 characters. for 1 link.

<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
is example of&nbsp; link</a><br>

the expanded zip file has Readme.txt nobody reads even me until now. it says fails in windows. ( not 100% , only deep )

lets see if we can find a free app to fix the errors.