rockauto (see the top names(makers)) if you low ball it ,it will fail. (there is no limits on low end junk)
or napa
nothing that ends in zon (auto or ama_
buy local in a brick store is best so if a problem it gets resolved fast not 2 or more weeks.
the Throw out and slave are the COAX slave married. not cheap and pain to fix if leaks.
not said yet if the coax to external slave mod was done?
AX15 box?
the LUC coax slave alone is $100 . so you want $100 kit disk and pressure plate? or exedy
i always look first, omg starter ring gear wrecked
or damage throw out fork parts (non coax type, I can't see your left side of bell, no way)
the pilot bearing bad (fly center bearing , bush or needle type your call)
or worse the AX15 front pinon gear shaft bearing and seal are GONE (BAD)
fixing cars correctly is all about looking and inspecting first. then shop.
the luc kit has the major parts