Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Starting issues with 1994 YJ - saftey lock out?


New Member
Oct 11, 2021
I'm no mechanic but I am very handy so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. My '94 Wrangler has had an ongoing issue that seems to have just progressed to the next level. The initial issue was that after turning it off it wouldn't turn over again unless the battery was disconnected and reconnected. I'm assuming this had to do with the computer being rebooted. Instead of tracking that issue down and fixing the problem I did the simple thing and just kept reconnecting the battery every time it wouldn't turn over. This workaround worked flawlessly until yesterday. Yesterday when I reconnected the battery and tried to start, it didn't turn over. Instead, the front right and rear left turn signals started flashing and a sound, almost identical to the turn signal clicking, started. The flashing and toning would continue for a minute or so and then cease. Disconnecting/reconnecting the battery would end the flashing/toning but it would start again as soon as I tried to start it. Again no power to the starter. Note: I can pop start it and it runs fine. Everything else is powered as far as I can tell.
That's an odd one for sure. Any idea where the clicking noise (the one similar to the turn signal) is coming from? any noticeable wire damage anywhere under the dash or hood? YJ's aren't really that complex but a simple electrical short or a bad ground can cause lots of weird issues because the ground path finds somewhere else to go and starts backfeed powering other items.
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Thank you for your reply. I'd say the sound emanates from the same place as the audible turn signal (in the steering column?). The sound is almost identical but is a wee bit lower note. Regarding loose wiring, the former owner had really tricked it out but ripped everything out when he traded it in on his new one. There are disconnected wires everywhere, but it use to work fine. I'm familiar with ground issues, would the same symptoms recur each time? I find the whole front right/back left blinker thing intriguing. If it helps to know: Its a "camp" jeep that gets very little use (10x/yr). The initial issue arose a few years back.
The click of the blinker should be coming from under the dash where the blinker can is. Small round canister about the size of a half dollar and should be plugged into the fuse panel. Ouch on the "other guys wiring" Its pretty easy to find improperly crimped butt splices,ring terms ect. Sometimes a good wiggle of things can cause things to work or not work. Just keep the eyes peeled if anything else ends hanging free if it comes loose.
Yeah, might want to reach up there and feel your blinker and hazard relays to see if it's one of them making the noise. As for why the Jeep is acting this way, I really have no idea. Could be so many variables causing trouble, especially since you said the PO had lots of stuff wired in and removed it all before the sale. You might want to go through and get it back to stock as much as you can if you have the electrical know-how.
The blinker issue is indeed strange.
But it could be something in the hazard/turn signal switch, too.
The hazard button on mine is broke and is on the to-do list, if and when she ever earns the new steering wheel.
Works, just doesn't stay on.

The not cranking sounds like a problem I had years ago, minus disconnecting the battery.
It only did it once, at home, so I just immediately replaced the starter.
A week later it did it again, stranding me in a local parking lot, well that wasn't it...
Pop hood, check battery connections and the cable to the starter pulled right out the battery terminal.
Somehow, it never got crimped.
Gentlemen, thank you for your thoughts. Sounds like it is an electrical issue especially given the state of wiring. I'll have to spend some time with it.
JeepJoe43 - Thanks for the thought but the hazards turn off/on. I thought at first I have hit them not realizing it was only the LF/RR blinking. There's plenty of power. I can run the winch no problem. Lights go on fine. Dash lights up. So, I think I've ruled out a poor connection to battery.
I wouldent rule out bad cables or a bad connection entirely. Cranking over takes lots of juice and Ive seen lights work and things like that but when you tried to turn it over, no go. I have seen what looked like perfectly good cables that were apparently bad internally and that truck would not start. Lots of variables and I find at times the simplest thing is overlooked because Im thinking its gotta be something far more complicated.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters