Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Redline shifter boots

no link posted to the new boots, or model number off it. 1992 car 4.0L
ask them?
but the inner and other are sold here too

a seller can change what is in the box at any time, they make policy not us.
ask them is always the best answer. (the seller actual)

one red line add shows only outer boot
and 6 week delay from poland to usa.
buy with caution.
I bought from Redline goods years ago. Product worked fine. Yes, you reuse the inner boot. You peel the ring off of the old outerboot and glue or tape it to your new leather boot, then install over the old inner boot like stock.

I personally thought it looked "nice" but sort of out of place after a while, so I went back to the stock boot.
Just installed mine this weekend. I left the inner boot in there and install over it. Made my shifter shift so much easier than the rubber boot. Took me about 2 weeks to get it but it looks nice.


Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts