Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

How much should I ask for a 90 YJ with a blown engine?

If you have metal in the oil, that's usually a bad thing. But, hard to say where the problem is. More than likely, something with the head, probably cam shaft related. Not good, but could be worse. Before you do anything, so you know what your options are, get a diagnostic done on the engine. Might cost a couple hundred for the diag, but you'll know what's going on.
Yeah I finally found a guy willing to look at it. Frustrating finding someone willing to work on old tech. Hoping for good news. I’ll keep everyone posted.
I commonly buy this exact jeep without any rust for $2500-$3500 depending on top, doors and other things. This is on the west coast
And just to be clear these are nice rust free wranglers that have mechanical issues, been trashed or have been wrecked. Obviously the wrecked ones aren't nice but you get my point. These aren't Pennsylvania rot boxes.
Down in the SouthWest, we don't use salt on our roads, and things are typically very dry. So, Wranglers down here tend to remain relatively rust free for decades. Mine is very rust free, even though it sat in a field for 20 years before I bought it. I feel bad for people up north, I bet you can almost hear the vehicles rust up there.
And just to be clear these are nice rust free wranglers that have mechanical issues, been trashed or have been wrecked. Obviously the wrecked ones aren't nice but you get my point. These aren't Pennsylvania rot boxes.
Wow you must have quite a collection.
Wow you must have quite a collection.
I pull them into the garage and have then stripped in a few days. Between ebay, craigslist and marketplace the parts go fast. I rarely have parts laying around unsold. I do this to make money so jeeps sitting around is money I'm not making.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters