Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Front axle won't disconnect


New Member
Nov 11, 2021
Hello. I have been looking all morning for other threads on this and couldn't find anything helpful
I just completely went over the whole vaccum disconnect system, new actuator, new t case switch and eliminated all vaccum leaks. Right on, finally got the 4wd to work
Now for some reason I can't get the front axle to unlock ? The vaccum isnt switching sides at the tcase switch I believe, because the 4wd side of the actuator has very strong vaccum wether I've got the tcase in 2wd or 4wd
Is it possible I got a defective new tcase switch ? It worked to put it into 4wd tho..
I personally would look into a cable kit to do away with the vac. Disc. Others I am sure will disagree, but in my opinion There are too many things with the vacuum system to go wrong. Especially when dealing with a 30 year old vehicle.
My vacuum switch was all gummed up and I was able to clean it out but it never was right. They're pretty cheap and available on line, AutoZone might even carry them.
Vac typically go bad or break when off road. On back of front axle passenger side is a small panel. Take it off and manually move the 4x4 shifter arm to disengage 4x4. Then as recommended above install manual cable system.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters