Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

Engine clicking


New Member
May 11, 2021
I have a 1993 Jeep Wrangler. I’m getting a slight clicking noise in the engine area. It is a 4 cylinder engine and everything seems to be working fine, I just wasn’t sure if I should be concerned. It does it when I idle but not sure about when I’m moving. Nothing to bad but just thought I’d put a feeler out. There should be a video attached if it loaded properly.
Use a mechanic's stethoscope or even a wooden broomstick and touch it to different points around the engine with the other end by your ear. You can easily find the location making the loudest noise. Could be anything from the distributor cap to a noisy lifter.

Let us know the location.

Just don't get it wrapped up in the fan belt.
Sounds like the common lifter tap I seem to hear in every 4.0 or 2.5 I've ever been around. Hard to say if it's worse than I normally hear since it's in a video and not in person context, but my 4.0 has tapped for years and years and it's fine. Same for pretty much every other YJ and TJ I've been around.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators