Dropping the fuel tank


YJ Addict
Apr 12, 2021
Q town New Mexico
Im not clear on what holds what up on the tank/skid parts. Will the skid completely drop without the tank or is the straps/bolts across the rear frame take everything out at the same time. Thanks guys!
Tank is strapped to the skid. The straps are inserted into the skid, tank dropped in under, then they are tightened down over the top and fastened in the back with nuts on the strap studs. The tank/skid assembly is held up to the frame with 7 nuts. Fastened to 7 carriage bolts that have clips on them so the square shafts stay locked into the square frame holes.

For me, to drop the tank:

Remove license plate flip bracket
Remove gas cap
Remove fuel bezel (3 screws to body and 6 to fuel filler neck)
Undo hose clamps from the filler hoses at the tank end
Pull hoses off of the tank
Undo the last exhaust support from the exhaust pipe, pull exhaust down and let it hang above the ground
Use a ratcheting wrench, remove the two bolts holding the exhaust hanger to the frame
Undo the 7 tank nuts, with a jack underneath to hold it.
Shift tank left to clear the exhaust side of the jeep.
Lower down and slide to the right as the tank clears the exhaust area
Lower down left side so hose necks clear the frame
Lower all the way down slowly, making sure fuel hoses don't get yanked on.

Pretty easy, just use some common sense and go slow. Doing it with the tank as empty as possible helps.