Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Compression Test Question


YJ Enthusiast
Supporting Member
Oct 2, 2020
Stick Red, Louisiana
I bought a Pitsburgh compression tester from Harbor Freight. The M14 adaptor should work, but the Oring keeps me from grabbing the threads in the sparkplug hole. Am I suppose to oil the oring? Or should I just stop buyiny crap from Harbor Freight.
I was going to buy one but decided not to because of the bad reviews which I read before the good reviews. Others say the same thing about it not fitting in the Jeep cylinders. Also the design is poor because it has the long tube pressurizing before the Schrader valve which is in the gauge so the readings are close to half of what they should be. The Schrader valve should be right at the plug opening to be accurate. Look up some YouTube videos. You probably can get one free at the local friendly auto parts store like AuotZone with their tool loaner program.
Interesting point on the Schrader valve, had to check mine, leave it you guys to send me to the shop in my flannels & flip flops.
I have 3, A Matco, a Milton and a Briggs & Stratton, all of them have the Schrader at the gauge.
Don't recall any of them ever giving me trouble...As for fitting a Jeep, dunno, never had a reason to try.
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Here's the first video I pulled up about compression testers and what they say about the Schrader valve location seems to make sense especially with smalls cylinder displacement. One point I did read is it helps to open the throttle when cranking the engine so the throttle plate doesn't further restrict any airflow.

Hope this helps.

Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters