So I Made the silly mistake of picking up another project.
Good thing I'm not married anymore so at least it's just me that's mad at me. I picked up this 93 YJ from a kid on marketplace. Really rough shape and he wanted $1000. I went and checked it out and after seeing the potentially death inducing "lift kit" someone had installed, and the fact it had a blown up AX5 because he installed 33's on a stock driveline, I passed. The tub is really in terrible shape. He seemed to really have a hard on for the American Racing 1990's aluminum 8 holes and the 33" bald Super Swampers wrapped around them, and sent a message offering me the Square Eyed Beauty for $400 without the wheels and tires. So that's how I ended with a huge project that will undoubtedly cost in the long run more than it's worth to "normal" people. But I'm not normal. I love a good project, or even a bad one. So here we are. And my favorite Jeep is the YJ.
I originally was going to 4.0 swap it with an AX15 because everyone of my other YJ's were 4.0's and they pulled fine. While doing some research on that swap I realized I can swap a Gen3 LS motor cheaper and Get double the power for less money! Boy was I happy upon hearing that, and I don't feel bad about it because the next stop for this Jeep would have been a junk yard, so I can do whatever I want guilt free! Luckily, the frame is pretty much in perfect shape from what I can see and that's a miracle from the shape of the tub. So great foundations assured.
I was Gonna go Ax15 behind the 5.3 but I'm in a conundrum because the 4L80E is looking real good with that overdrive and the potential of 20 MPG in a Wrangler. I thought I'd never see the day... The Ford 8.8" will solve the problematic rear axel. A CAD delete and TJ axel shafts should be fine for the front.
Now the progress slowly begins.
Sweet angle iron lift bro! I've never seen anything like it...
And they just welded the tub right to to the angle and welded to the frame. Huh...
Moving on. Found this Tub in pretty good shape on marketplace and made an offer. He took it and after some heavy lifting with a hump straps and some buddies I got it to the shop. It's got It's rough spots but they are mostly in the straight parts.
That's where I'm at for now. Time to start getting all the parts and then I can start the build. Planning on getting it done by September. I'll keep you posted and hope you follow along because I'm going to need a lot of advice. I build custom motorcycles and boats in my free time and have learned a lot of fabrication skills in that time so I think I'll be fine. What I don't know I hope to learn from you! Any suggestions are appreciated!

I originally was going to 4.0 swap it with an AX15 because everyone of my other YJ's were 4.0's and they pulled fine. While doing some research on that swap I realized I can swap a Gen3 LS motor cheaper and Get double the power for less money! Boy was I happy upon hearing that, and I don't feel bad about it because the next stop for this Jeep would have been a junk yard, so I can do whatever I want guilt free! Luckily, the frame is pretty much in perfect shape from what I can see and that's a miracle from the shape of the tub. So great foundations assured.
I was Gonna go Ax15 behind the 5.3 but I'm in a conundrum because the 4L80E is looking real good with that overdrive and the potential of 20 MPG in a Wrangler. I thought I'd never see the day... The Ford 8.8" will solve the problematic rear axel. A CAD delete and TJ axel shafts should be fine for the front.
Now the progress slowly begins.
Sweet angle iron lift bro! I've never seen anything like it...
And they just welded the tub right to to the angle and welded to the frame. Huh...
Moving on. Found this Tub in pretty good shape on marketplace and made an offer. He took it and after some heavy lifting with a hump straps and some buddies I got it to the shop. It's got It's rough spots but they are mostly in the straight parts.
That's where I'm at for now. Time to start getting all the parts and then I can start the build. Planning on getting it done by September. I'll keep you posted and hope you follow along because I'm going to need a lot of advice. I build custom motorcycles and boats in my free time and have learned a lot of fabrication skills in that time so I think I'll be fine. What I don't know I hope to learn from you! Any suggestions are appreciated!