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  1. D’Syj

    Rust Repair Approach

    Ok will do thanks for the advice
  2. D’Syj

    Rust Repair Approach

    Hey guys I’m a noobie and have never done any rust repairs. I have a 95 Sahara 4.0 with rust and pinhole on floor pan. I have a picture and needed some advice on how to fix.
  3. D’Syj

    High 4 wheel drive

    Hey guys I’m new to the forum I have a 95 yj 4.0 and when I try to put it in 4 wheel high it makes a sound like the shifter is hitting metal and doesn’t engage into 4 wheel drive. However if I put it in 4 wheel low first it engages and then it will let me shift into 4 wheel high and works fine...