You could. I think you’ll see 5V there and I believe that splices off the PCM. So I’m not sure verifying 5V there really tells you much, but maybe. It’s been a while, I don’t really remember how the speed sensor works.
edit: I went back and reminded myself how it works. PCM supplies 8V sensor power and ground on the orange and black wires going to speed sensor. The orange/white wire is the wire that the sensor pulses to provide feedback back to the PCM, instrument cluster, and DRL module if equipped (Canada).
To verify your wiring is good, you would want to check continuity on the orange/white wire from the cluster to the speed sensor, and you’d want to verify that wire has no continuity to ground. As long as those are both the case, then it isn’t the wiring. For whatever reason, checking voltage on that wire shows 5V or it always did for me at least. I don’t know why, the power source is 8V provided by PCM. No clue why the power after it goes through the sensor comes out as 5V on the orange/white wire.