Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators



May 14, 2021
North Alabama
Well done a flush and fill this weekend to try and remedy my overheating issue and I think it created more. Friday night I put in a new alternator (to fix a separate issue), new temp sending sensor (the one at the back of the block), and new heater core hoses. Got up Saturday morning and done the flush and fill. Ended up getting a good bit of sediment out of the heater core and now I have good heat. Will run you out and that's with the top off. Burped it best I could and went on a 15-20 minute test drive after the flush and fill with the heat on and noticed that the temp gauge was working properly and no issues. Pulled over a few times and checked the hoses for leaks and no issues there. Noticed them temp gauge was running on up there around 225-230° and didn't think too much of it. Got home and no issues still temp gauge never ran up past that unless we were pulling some hills and it would max out around 250°. Went wheeling with the fam yesterday afternoon and Jeep done fine. Done mostly gravel road runs and some light trail driving with hills and creek crossings. Got back out on the highway to run to Dollar General for a few items for supper and noticed that the temp gauge was sitting close to 250°, popped the hood while in parking lot and no signs of overheating. Went on home and pulled into driveway and noticed hot coolant smell. Pulled into garage looked at the gauge and she was pegged. Turned off Jeep and didn't take too long to know what was going on, popped the hood and the overflow tank had popped it's lid and it was boiling out and over. Placed a bucket underneath to catch excess. Thoughts on the issue at hand now? I've posted this on a few Facebook Jeep pages and I'm getting a mixed bag of replies ranging from the radiator cap, to the thermostat, to loosened sediment blocking the radiator and a blown head gasket from a few folks. Any input would be appreciated.
I guess the easiest thing to do first, would be to pull out the thermostat and test to see if it will operate properly with a blow torch. At least you can scratch that off the list.
More speed/HP produced = more heat. Seems ok at low speeds but heats up doing highway speeds? Sounds like radiator time. My 91 runs well under the 195 mark putting on trails. Hit the highway pushing it and it stays up at the 195 mark.
Well done a flush and fill this weekend to try and remedy my overheating issue and I think it created more. Friday night I put in a new alternator (to fix a separate issue), new temp sending sensor (the one at the back of the block), and new heater core hoses. Got up Saturday morning and done the flush and fill. Ended up getting a good bit of sediment out of the heater core and now I have good heat. Will run you out and that's with the top off. Burped it best I could and went on a 15-20 minute test drive after the flush and fill with the heat on and noticed that the temp gauge was working properly and no issues. Pulled over a few times and checked the hoses for leaks and no issues there. Noticed them temp gauge was running on up there around 225-230° and didn't think too much of it. Got home and no issues still temp gauge never ran up past that unless we were pulling some hills and it would max out around 250°. Went wheeling with the fam yesterday afternoon and Jeep done fine. Done mostly gravel road runs and some light trail driving with hills and creek crossings. Got back out on the highway to run to Dollar General for a few items for supper and noticed that the temp gauge was sitting close to 250°, popped the hood while in parking lot and no signs of overheating. Went on home and pulled into driveway and noticed hot coolant smell. Pulled into garage looked at the gauge and she was pegged. Turned off Jeep and didn't take too long to know what was going on, popped the hood and the overflow tank had popped it's lid and it was boiling out and over. Placed a bucket underneath to catch excess. Thoughts on the issue at hand now? I've posted this on a few Facebook Jeep pages and I'm getting a mixed bag of replies ranging from the radiator cap, to the thermostat, to loosened sediment blocking the radiator and a blown head gasket from a few folks. Any input would be appreciated.
Burping them is a bitch. Wish I had drilled a steam hole in the t-stat when i changed it.
Or bought the one with the wiggly rivet.
I've seen where some people loosen the same said sensor and back it up onto ramps to do the job (haven't tried it).
I've been able to get mine burped several times, after much aggravation.
But it doesn't sound like that's your issue.
The only experience I've had with a head gasket was a $200 Ford Falcon bomber, and it inflated the upper hose to about 3".
I just lammed the hood and walked away from that one.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators