Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

Limited parts

Just picked up a YJ for my daughter's first car and can't unlock it from outside the driver's door. After opening it up I see it is missing the linkage between the lock cylinder and the lock mechanism. the linkage have a 90 bend at the bottom with a clip and an "s" curve at the top with no clip. From the research I've done I believe the OEM part number I'm looking for is 4797152. I've searched all over to find this but haven't had any luck. Can anyone here help??
I did however look up inside the piston walls it was like looking in a mirror. I grabbed all the piston and tried to shake them anyway that I could and nothing not a wiggle. But I can move the connection rod ends side to side fairly easy. Is that normal? Thanks
Side to side along the journals (front to back) can be normal but not up or down or left to right where it would be a clearance issue.
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Side to side along the journals (front to back) can be normal but not up or down or left to right where it soul be a clearance issue.
Yes it was front to back and it was the whole rod meaning at the wrist pin and the crankshaft. When I get back in there Saturday I'm going to check them all mains and rods.
Ok guys the crankshaft ,journals are all well within specs for the 0.010 under sized bearings so I will be polishing the journals and refreshing the bearings back to the same size. My mechanic buddy builds race engines and helped me Mic it all and said it was all fine normal wear. However when he looked at the timing chain he became very concerned as it had a lot of play in it. I will send pics. He told me to pull the head and look at the pistons and valves. So to my knowledge which is very little is that everything looks fine. There's a lot of carbon on top the pistons but no obvious abnormal wear. How ever as I started spraying cleaner on them and wiping away some carbon I noticed a stamped number on each one and it is 0.060 . My buddy is gone out of town now for awhile due to health reasons so I'm on my own from this point on. So any advice is greatly appreciated. I need to know is this the largest I should or can go? If not what should be done, and if so has anyone converted a 4.0l to carburetor and no computer? I really struggle with electrical and I'm having a difficult time with my daughter's 2000 G.Cherokee electrical system now. So in advance thanks.
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Ok guys the crankshaft ,journals are all well within specs for the 0.010 under sized bearings so I will be polishing the journals and refreshing the bearings back to the same size. My mechanic buddy builds race engines and helped me Mic it all and said it was all fine normal wear. However when he looked at the timing chain he became very concerned as it had a lot of play in it. I will send pics. He told me to pull the head and look at the pistons and valves. So to my knowledge which is very little is that everything looks fine. There's a lot of carbon on top the pistons but no obvious abnormal wear. How ever as I started spraying cleaner on them and wiping away some carbon I noticed a stamped number on each one and it is 0.060 . My buddy is gone out of town now for awhile due to health reasons so I'm on my own from this point on. So any advice is greatly appreciated. I need to know is this the largest I should or can go? If not what should be done, and if so has anyone converted a 4.0l to carburetor and no computer? I really struggle with electrical and I'm having a difficult time with my daughter's 2000 G.Cherokee electrical system now. So in advance thanks.
If your pistons are stamped .060, that is the size the pistons & cylinders are over-sized to, so your motor is probably bored to the max.
Not a bad thing, but with the thinner cylinder walls they can run a little warm.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators