Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Lock Box for the YJ


YJ Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2020
Magnolia, Texas
What are y'all using to lock up items? Any permanently mounted lock boxes? I have nothing other than a plastic door on the glovebox
My center console is an ammo can with a lock kit installed. . I also have a 'Glock locker' under the driver's seat. In the plan is to install a rear cargo box...

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It's this one. They don't make a bolt-in unit for the yj so i had to come up with my own mounts...

[edit] Note: My Glock is the little single-stack G43. I'm not at all sure the larger models would fit in here. Check carefully before you order.

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It's this one. They don't make a bolt-in unit for the yj so i had to come up with my own mounts...

[edit] Note: My Glock is the little single-stack G43. I'm not at all sure the larger models would fit in here. Check carefully before you order.

Thanks for that feedback. Just got mine, and was able to get Tuffy to get me all keyed-to-match lock cylinders for my other storage units. What do you do to keep your pistol from sliding around when you go off-road?
I have a Tuffy Deluxe Stereo console and a12x12x32 aluminum tool box for a quad bolted in behind the seats.
That gave an area between the fender wells that I decked with diamond plate and compartmentalized for a huge "Trunk" , just lock the tailgate.
Mounted the end of the TB to the drivers side well, leaving a 4" gap on the Pass side.
Capped that gap with little door also made from DP a viola, Trash-can!
Need to find a Kydex shell that I can bolt into the Tuffy for the 1911.
Thanks for that feedback. Just got mine, and was able to get Tuffy to get me all keyed-to-match lock cylinders for my other storage units. What do you do to keep your pistol from sliding around when you go off-road?
I have a nylon case I keep it in which fits tight enough in the drawer I got that it isn't a problem.
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I bought a after market center console that you screw down to the floor and has a locking compartment. I’m sure if someone got real mean with it they could break it open for sure, but it stops the quick undetermined crook.
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The Tuffy will stop a determined crook. Unless they have a plasma cutter...
Or Youtube.

Most boxes like that have simple wafer locks which are about the easiest thing there is to pick. But they will stop crimes of opportunity, which is all most locks do.

While I'm being a wet blanket, ammo cans are not particularly secure. A large screwdriver will open them and leave the lock right where it is undisturbed. I have one with tools in my Jeep, but I did everything I could to make it as inconvenient to pry open as I could.
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Or Youtube.

Most boxes like that have simple wafer locks which are about the easiest thing there is to pick. But they will stop crimes of opportunity, which is all most locks do.

While I'm being a wet blanket, ammo cans are not particularly secure. A large screwdriver will open them and leave the lock right where it is undisturbed. I have one with tools in my Jeep, but I did everything I could to make it as inconvenient to pry open as I could.
Tuffy has a hellacious lock and latch system, I'm sure it could be defeated, but the latch is almost the size of the one on the tailgate
One the more important things my console does is secure the fire extinguisher from vandals.
Of course there's not a lot of room in it now, but I didn't really buy it for storage.
I have a Tuffy glove box. I bought it mainly for the steel grab bar for the wife. I have a generic 2X6X10 box in center console for my Ruger LCP9. Lock boxes are only for thieves of opportunity, a determined thief can get into any lock.


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Planning on a Tuffy GB for mine too, as well as a hood lock and all keyed alike.
They're not cheap, but they're solid, very impressive products.
Absolutely no complaints about mine. I’ve had it for over 10 years. I have the door hinge locks also. Around here they steal half doors all the time.
The Tuffy center security consols are nice. I used to have an add a trunk in back that I liked, but my dog is to big to fit with the back seat and the add a trunk. I'd rather have my dog in the jeep than the storage behind the seat.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts