Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

WHY? J's (the YJ abomination thread)

I always get a kick when someone says they have 2K budget for a 4” lift. Gona cost significantly more than that when all is said and done when you open that can of worms.
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I always get a kick when someone says they have 2K budget for a 4” lift. Gona cost significantly more than that when all is said and done when you open that can of worms.
When I bought mine, I didn't realize I would have to take out SO much car, and replace it with truck.
My little money pit, and I thought $5k was a pretty reasonable budget for 2-1/2" w/32s.

At the time Chrysler was designing the YJ, Cheaper, lighter and Adequate were how you got ahead as an engineer there.
Their definition of adequate is a 2wd car. Thank you CAFE regs..
They were shaving weight off transmissions by making mainshafts just strong enough for a specific load.
And they DID extensive testing for that.
This is also why we have 5 on 4.5 wheel patterns and 20 gallon tanks that only hold 15.
They were looking for every Pound, or Ounce they could shave off.
Here yall go! : )



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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters