Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Upgraded wiring harness/fuse panel

Hey Joe. Since I am new to the forum, can you help me locate a wiring diagram that include wire colors for an 87 YJ with a 4.2 and man trans?. I am noticing a few colors need to be changed over. Harness is based on GM colors as a standard. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not familiar with searching on here yet. Will send pics today .Bri.
I figured you might run into that.
I'm not that familiar with searching here either, but as far a diagrams and color codes go, my trusty Chilton ('87-'95 models section) has been accurate for my limited needs, it hasn't lied to me yet though the diagrams can be a little funky.
Now if you're not that comfortable interpreting those diagrams, I can certainly help you there.
Roger that. I have a Chilton. I am now about to pop the fuse panel out. really wasn't so bad. Im really starting to like jeeps LMAO.
As I look at things more, I believe I may just find a convenient spot in the factory harnesses and tap in there. The dash area and connections was my greatest fear for corrosion from the rodents. Everything outside seems to be in good working condition. I will let you know as I go. Cant see replacing circuits and connections that arnt in need right now. ill break out the old Chiltons here in abit to study. Really wish I could get these pics on here. Ill get my son to help set the clock LMFAO.
HOLY SH*T THE NEW ONE BOLTS RIGHT BACK IN THE STOCK HOLES !!!! CHA CHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna try sending pices from phone. Fuse panel is in and wires routed but not terminated yet.
That looks like a nice unit!
You do have a nightmare ahead of you, but we'll get through it!
She doesn't look as bad I thought you described, actually looks pretty clean....
It really is a nice jeep. Its just been setting for 5 years but always had running issues so I am trying to eliminate all the head scratching and cover all bases. Heck for free I couldn't go wrong. ill send more pics today if time allows. Like you said the nightmare and tedious work still lyes ahead. Crossing over the color changes will be the worst but I can always go mechanical on the gauge situation as well to eliminate that headache . I have 5 to 7 extra circuits left over incase I need new power If cant narrow down an issue.
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It really is a nice jeep. Its just been setting for 5 years but always had running issues so I am trying to eliminate all the head scratching and cover all bases. Heck for free I couldn't go wrong. ill send more pics today if time allows. Like you said the nightmare and tedious work still lyes ahead. Crossing over the color changes will be the worst but I can always go mechanical on the gauge situation as well to eliminate that headache . I have 5 to 7 extra circuits left over incase I need new power If cant narrow down an issue.
Sounds like good plan, I really like the idea of mechanical gauges.
Another thought, you could use this opportunity to do a Flat Dash.
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Ill have to research the dash thing. Any direction you have in mind or is it a personal build thing? Like I said it aint goin to a show. just needs to be functional.
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Well that option would make this rewiring much more convenient. I can do all the gauges headlights, fog lights etc without having to criss cross wire colors and bypass the column in many respects. Thanks for the heads up.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts