Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Starting Issue


YJ Enthusiast
Supporting Member
Oct 2, 2020
Stick Red, Louisiana
I drove my Jeep a good bit today and finally had some fun practicing with the 4x4 in the dirt and drove it through some shallow mud and water. I cranked it a few times to start it today and nothing unusual since the day I first bought it. The only thing is that it takes a few seconds for it to crank up.

Well now, it did not crank at all. My indication lights come on on the dash and my headlights work. I tried to jump start it with a battery, but nothing. My dad got underneath and took a screw driver to touch to bolts on the starter with the ignition key turned on and it cranked right up.

What could it be? Is it the starter or a connection in the steering column?
I drove my Jeep a good bit today and finally had some fun practicing with the 4x4 in the dirt and drove it through some shallow mud and water. I cranked it a few times to start it today and nothing unusual since the day I first bought it. The only thing is that it takes a few seconds for it to crank up.

Well now, it did not crank at all. My indication lights come on on the dash and my headlights work. I tried to jump start it with a battery, but nothing. My dad got underneath and took a screw driver to touch to bolts on the starter with the ignition key turned on and it cranked right up.

What could it be? Is it the starter or a connection in the steering column?
If it were me I’d remove the solenoid wire from the starter, and test it for 12V with a multimeter/test light while you have someone flip and hold the key to “start”. If no power, then an issue somewhere in the wiring or steering column. If 12V, then you need a new starter.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters