I am in the process of putting a new to me harness in my YJ as the old one and fuse panel had been butchered so badly prior to me, that when I turned the ignition off with the headlights on, the wipers and heater fan would come on.
It is going well, o ther than I left it too long between removal and replacement and memory fails me. I have two plugs in the harness I cant find mates for under the dash. The Haynes manual I have is not helpful.
So I am looking here for some advice.
![IMG_5179[1].JPG IMG_5179[1].JPG](https://wrangleryjforum.com/data/attachments/117/117332-edc8e764da8f7904de2e5a5c936993c3.jpg?hash=7cjnZNqPeQ)
![IMG_5180[1].JPG IMG_5180[1].JPG](https://wrangleryjforum.com/data/attachments/117/117333-f65809f4b5230baae373738436022a74.jpg?hash=9lgJ9LUjC6)
It is going well, o ther than I left it too long between removal and replacement and memory fails me. I have two plugs in the harness I cant find mates for under the dash. The Haynes manual I have is not helpful.
So I am looking here for some advice.
![IMG_5179[1].JPG IMG_5179[1].JPG](https://wrangleryjforum.com/data/attachments/117/117332-edc8e764da8f7904de2e5a5c936993c3.jpg?hash=7cjnZNqPeQ)
![IMG_5180[1].JPG IMG_5180[1].JPG](https://wrangleryjforum.com/data/attachments/117/117333-f65809f4b5230baae373738436022a74.jpg?hash=9lgJ9LUjC6)