Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

Rewiring YJ


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
Surrey BC Canada
I am in the process of putting a new to me harness in my YJ as the old one and fuse panel had been butchered so badly prior to me, that when I turned the ignition off with the headlights on, the wipers and heater fan would come on.
It is going well, o ther than I left it too long between removal and replacement and memory fails me. I have two plugs in the harness I cant find mates for under the dash. The Haynes manual I have is not helpful.
So I am looking here for some advice.

The 3 wire is fog lights and the one with 5 or 6 wires is for factory AC. You probably don't need either. Most AC is tapped directly into the fuse box. That plug controls the AC through the PCM and bumps the idle up to help. Nice feature, but you have to have the factory AC to use it.

In short, you can ignore both of those plugs, if you don't have factory AC or fog lights.
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The 3 wire is fog lights and the one with 5 or 6 wires is for factory AC. You probably don't need either. Most AC is tapped directly into the fuse box. That plug controls the AC through the PCM and bumps the idle up to help. Nice feature, but you have to have the factory AC to use it.

In short, you can ignore both of those plugs, if you don't have factory AC or fog lights.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators