It's transition time again

Stoopid Jeep

YJ Enthusiast
Dec 25, 2021
North Idaho
It's time to swap back to the hard top for a few weeks, so I scrubbed the soft top clean, dried it off and moved it into the storage unit.
...but its not snowing yet, so the jeep is tarped in the driveway. Gotta drive around topless for a few days before the winter lid gets installed.
It's a jeep thing.

OK, It's gonna snow then get wet and sloppy this weekend, so I wussied out and put the hard top on today. It was fun running around topless for a few days when it was dry & cold, but I'm not about cold wet seats.
Hopefully the top comes back off soon.
Although I'm happy to have the hard top for the winter months, I very much prefer the soft top.
Its 8 here this AM in NM. Gotta be getting there in Udaho as well eh?? Dont need no stinking top anyhow, that's what heated clothing is for. 🥶

I did this in the CJ5 with my old motorcycle heated gear. Was much easier to keep the wind out riding the Jeep lol.