Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

I don't understand people


Oct 7, 2020
Philly burbs
So, I towed my Frank and Jeep home. I figure, let's take it for a good run to see how it feels. Hit the brakes, and she stalls. I restarted, it fires up everything is okay. I take it out again and she starts stalling going downhill. I start thinking myself okay she really needs a tune-up. As I look at the under hood compartment, I realized there are more vacuum leaks going on, then Hershey's has chocolate. I also look at the wiring that he has done. It looks like a bad congealed pasta dish that you would get it Olive Garden, and rather promptly send back.

If you're going to do everything to a vehicle, why not do it right? This way, when you sell it some poor slob doesn't have to spend a week and a half trying to undo things that you have did.

The vacuum advance on the distributor has nothing hooked to it, all of the emissions lines are not hooked to anything, the air filter is missing the base to it, so it's basically just sitting on top of the carburetor and the valve cover. I don't understand why people will do this to a vehicle. My mechanic is already looking forward to what I am going to be dropping off tomorrow for work.
Gotta love previous owners, right?

I could make an entire thread about some of the messed up shit I've found on vehicles I've purchased compliments of the previous owner(s) :rolleyes:
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Previous owners, I’ll never understand them.
so far, the horn... (added a tilt wheel). i see 2 wires running to a stamped piece of chrome plated metal with a button in the middle. the horn ring terminals were rusted (came from a salvage yard i'm guessing, so, the why is rather obvious) , so it wouldn't make a connection. the wiring, comes through the firewall, splices from purple to red, and hot wires directly to the battery, and, is grounded on the floor by the parking brake. a zip tie made into a loop, draped over the tilt steering lever keeps it accessible

speakers. one works. other 3? yeah...the electrical tape used to hold the wires (and, it was the only thing that connected them) didn't hold.

every bit of under dash wiring is dangling from under the dash

doors. squeaked at the hinges. i guess washers were expensive, or there was an embargo on them....used pink wire instead. wrapped around the bolts.

speaking of bolts. next to the dashboard, you know that bolt that kind of holds the windshield frame to the rest of the jeep? neither, mine isn't there.

pcv breather filter... used a piece of heater hose shoved into the grommet on the valve cover.

lights... mis-wired, that when you stepped on the brakes, all of the lights on the vehicle come on.

positive battery cable. (should have taken a photo). it broke, so, rather than replace it, cut it, strip off some insulation, shove it into the top of battery clamp, and, torque it down.

roof rack... (and, it looks like someone spent some rather serious coin on this thing.) notice a horrible squeaking. why, you ask? there are NO BOLTS HOLDING THIS ONTO THE TOP OF MY F&%#$#NG JEEP!!!
ayup, the weight of it's own mass is the only thing keeping it from going bye bye.

the inner door panels (both doors, and, rear gate.) made of....aluminum. i will now say, I now know how the thanksgiving turkey feels.(bear in mind, he had brand new black factory ones in a box, that came with the jeep)

carpet? gone...replaced with....maybe rhino hide....could be paint...not sure. if its something textured, it, and my hairline have a lot in common. (think "Vic Mackey")

so far, mechanically speaking, I had a weepy wheel cylinder, so , the pair are being replaced. everything else, thus far, has been a previous owner issue.

and, we haven't really gotten into why it runs as poorly as it does. i get the feeling that will bre one of those things that makes you go "hmmmmm" as well.

I just shake my head. and, this guy, is a building contractor? i shudder to think how he puts on a roof.
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only because THIS ONE is actually funny (because i didn't discover this on the road or trail,) mickey thompson mags, with something akin to center caps.

every lug nut has been replaced with a lock. a lock i don't have keys for.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters