Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Help identifying doors??


New Member
Sep 6, 2021
I purchased a YJ recently and the guy threw in a set of full doors with the deal. I’ve tried putting them on a YJ and a TJ with no luck. The hinges seem to be misaligned as does the latch. The last person to look at them thought they might be CJ doors, but since I’m a first time Jeep owner, I’m hoping y’all could help me identify these. I’d like to sell them which would be a lot easier if I knew exactly which model they fit.
Are any doors on the Jeep now? And if so, do they close ok? The doors pictured do look like YJ doors.
From what I understand late CJ,YJ and TJ doors are identical dimension wise,however the door strikers are different on the TJ so they will not just drop on and work. My 91 came with hard doors from a CJ or another YJ and I got so tired of screwing with trying to make them close correctly and line up I sold them and just run a softtop. Best of my recollection those look like YJ doors, IIRC the TJ's have mirrors mounted on them. The hinges and pins on the tub are very adjustable also but moving the hinges on the doors might leave some ugly paint flaws. Dont give up on them as you have a hardtop and either are becoming like gold. If all else fails you may have to visit a body shop and have them set up for you.
They look like the doors for my 88 YJ... and in great condition.

I recently had issue with door alignment and solved it by hanging the doors on the hinges, then loosen the 6 button head bolts (door half) of the hinge while someone helps lift and shimmy the back corner of the door. First thing you want is striker alignment then nudge them a bit more if necessary to lessen any gap in the upper corner where the meet the windshield frame and top.

If you still have considerable gap in that upper corner, you may need to also loosen the torx bolt on your roll cage spreader, the bar that attaches to the upper corners of the windshield frame and runs to the rear. Under the padding, there is a torx screw you will loosen. (both sides) and move the windshield frame forward or back depending on whether you have air gap or binding at that corner.

When I adjusted mine, it didn't seem like they wanted to budge at first due to being locked down for so long and the windshield hinge being seized a little, but I looped a small ratchet strap through the tie down bracket located between the sun visors and wrapped it around the rear roll cage bar, a few cranks on the ratchet an they snugged right up.

Before I started, mine were gapped out close to an inch on both sides.


Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts