Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Extended top with full steel doors: Who's rigged something to bridge that gap over the door?

Sep 19, 2021
So, my Bestop SuperTop just bit it back in May, she served me well for 7 yrs. I made it 4 months with no top, thanks to a blazing and incredibly dry Portland summer, but bought a SmittyBilt Extended Top a few weeks back knowing rain is coming. I love the idea of just keeping it all winter like this, as even yesterday in 40 degrees and rain it was awesome driving around. Hoodie and floor heat did just fine. There was some occasional drops getting pulled in from the back, so I may end up getting a Windjammer/Duster combo if it gets too much. Butttt.... has anyone rigged some kind of window deflector extension/roll bar drip cap, to close that gap up?
Pix are the progression, no top/doors, Extended Top w/gap in question, and my new "work garage"




Im with you and I wish I had a sheet metal shop so I could fab a metal Bikini top. No more flapping in the wind or snow or rain coming in between the door and bikini top.
Been thinking a lot about the same lately. My super top is on it's last legs. I'm sure I could get one more winter out of it, but I've been debating picking up a used hard top instead.

Had the same thoughts about a a windjammer and a bikini top, wondering just how bad the open caps above the doors would be. Also thought about making a metal top, with a fabric windjammer, but would still have the same door gap issues.
Man...hard tops and doors are bucks which is why I could never go that route. I had hard doors for mine when I got it and sold them and use the soft top only With a bikini top if its raining anything but straight down with 0 wind your gonna get soaked plus the dash and electrics get hit too. Just my .02 on that one.
Doors I have. Rain doesn't concern me, I generally don't drive it in the rain, but I do drive it in the snow. :D

Used hard tops are less than new soft tops, so that's the reason. Locally there's a hard top with no hatch real cheap. Was thinking of making a crude rear hatch.
So, got it figured out.
Used some black foam pipe insulation. 1st i tried it over the door, which worked pretty good. Was just gonna roll up the window to keep it in place.
But then i tried the roll bar cover, and opened it up and used the straps from the Extended Top to hold it in place.
Blends in really well, or at least for me. ANd it closes that gap up perfectly.
Going to get a slightly thicker and larger (and longer of course) piece tomorrow, and fer it right on both sides.



Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts