Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Cracked shackle bracket


Aug 9, 2020
Binghamton NY
And yet another question. Just noticed this today. Fresh because it wasn’t like this the other day. Question is, replace the whole bracket or just get it welded? She’s a hard ride and really takes a beating on our shitty upstate roads. And now my ZJ is off the road for, not sure how long, so the YJ is now my DD.

Seems like something else is going on with the frame. Can we get another shot of the area in front of the leaf spring mount? Looks like there is weld splatter there. Care to share?
When the sun comes up I’ll have those posted. I know for inspection I have to get this area filled also. Get rid of the shitty spot fill and get a good clean bead. This won’t fly around here.

Here’s a close up. If you see anything I should know please share. I was supposed to go get it welded up tonight but we have 18”-26” of snow starting this afternoon and it’s a good 40 minute drive to get there so that’s shot in the ass. Hopefully Monday



2E5628F0-D7E8-4847-8B79-8AB0253CF6EC.jpeg looks terrible, being honest.

Do you have any nice Jeep shops in your area?

It looks as though the frame has been repaired before. I am not sure why the weld splatter is so bad or why random plates are welded in random areas of the frame.
No Jeep shops within at least an hour. Which sucks. Yeah, it’s been reinforced in several areas. Some well done, a few like shit. When I get the bracket done I’m having him go over the whole frame. Hopefully in a few days. But at the moment...

Yeah, this morning kind of sucked lol. And then when I got her all dug out and drop into 4wd to get out, the clanking was intense. So I’m assuming my CV is shot. Got me out but didn’t sound too pretty. Threw a tarp down to crawl under but snow in the face, down the jacket I said F this, it can wait until it’s in the 30’s.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts