Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Carb I.D.


New Member
Aug 21, 2021
I'm sure this is a Chinese "Weber"... Original owner said he installed it about 12 years ago.

Can anyone determine which model this is supposed to be? I've never seen a Weber style carb like this. Am looking for a rebuild kit.



Since nobody else has thrown in here years ago I looked into a weber for a toyota 4x4 IIRC. From my reads I found 2 versions and one was a cheaper made unit than the typical weber although both sold under the weber name. Are there no numbers on it? Might try calling Redline Weber and see if they can help out.
For giggles I googled weber 34 DGEC rebuild kit and there are several kits to be had dependent on what all one wants. At ant rate your probably better off with the 2150.
Couldn't remember the model but another post here just rang a bell, I remembered I had a 34 DGEC on an old 2.0 Pinto.
I just used to pick the best parts out a wrecking yard, can't tell you how many $10-20 carbs I bought...But I was only 17.
Ended up with one from a Vega and countless parts from others before I got one right.

Other mods after the motor wound up in a Jeep turned it into Frankenrator, but it served me well for years.
I can't speak to the 2150, though I suspect I may have owned many, all on old V8's, though I couldn't swear to it.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters