Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

Can't identify this cable / part


New Member
Feb 12, 2021
Hi all, I'm just finishing installing a remanufactured 4.0L engine in my 95 YJ. A new experience for me. I didn't do a very good job of labeling or taking pictures of parts during the disassembly process. Does anyone know what this cable is that comes from the transmission area and goes behind the back of the valve coveris? (picture attached). There is a holder for this cable on the back corner valve cover bolt. Mine ends behind the valve cover and firewall. It doesn't appear to connect to anything.

I've afraid I might be in for a surprise if I don't figure this out. Thanks - Bryan

Jeep cable .JPG
Oh...OK, thanks. That would make sense. It looked like it was designed to end (or stick out) behind the valve cover. Thanks again.
If everything is stock then you might see the same vent tube and cap coming off the front differential
Thanks, now that you mention it, I do see that vent tube from the front differential going forward and up. Good information. Thanks again.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators