Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Are there any companies reproducing internal door parts?


YJ Enthusiast
Jul 16, 2020
During my tear down of the YJ full doors, I found one of the window channels rusted. Are there any companies reproducing these internal parts?
Just picked up a YJ for my daughter's first car and can't unlock it from outside the driver's door. After opening it up I see it is missing the linkage between the lock cylinder and the lock mechanism. the linkage have a 90 bend at the bottom with a clip and an "s" curve at the top with no clip. From the research I've done I believe the OEM part number I'm looking for is 4797152. I've searched all over to find this but haven't had any luck. Can anyone here help??
I had similar problems with my 95. may be a last resort but things like those plastic ball ends, the clips that flip over 90 degree linkage rod ends can sometimes be found at the likes of Ace hardware' massive nut and bolt section,the help section of a good AP store or at a jeep recycle yard.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters