Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

AC Question

I would say either the relay and then inspect the fan compressor. I am not sure if you can get it checked out somewhere, but it is possible it is frozen.
The heat works from air blowing from your heater core. It doesn't use a compressor. My heat works as well, but not the cool or vent switch. On the AC unit itself there are two knobs left of the smoking tray, are you turning those as well?

My AC unit doesn't work either, but squeals like a ghoul when I turn those switches on.
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Ha, I see now. I guess I've never had ac in a yj before. I turned those knobs on and the ac blows. It actually blows cold in the middle vent but not the outside left and right. It blows about room temperature. Do I just need some refrigerant? If so I have heard the refrigerant for this year is almost impossible to get is that true?
Someone else will have to answer that question. I haven't gotten that far with my AC yet. Too many other things hitting my priority list lol. For now I'm just enjoying the wet, humid, Louisiana air through my hair as I drive.
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AC and heater are separate systems in a YJ. You could run them simultaneously if desired (not that you would want to although maybe you would when defrosting).

Vent mode on the heater does NOT blow any air. It literally opens fresh air vents (one above the steering column and one in front of the passenger's knees down under the dash (big square vent - you can physically see it open). This creates a draft while driving down the road.

The two knobs below the steering column are AC. One controls freon/air temp and the other controls blower speed. If you have room temp air coming out the side vents but cool air in the middle, I'm not sure why that would be.

Freon is R12 until somewhere around 1994. You won't be able to buy it yourself but a shop can charge it for you, just call around until you can find a shop that has R12. You can also retrofit to R134a but I really don't know anything about that.
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AC and heater are separate systems in a YJ. You could run them simultaneously if desired (not that you would want to although maybe you would when defrosting).

Vent mode on the heater does NOT blow any air. It literally opens fresh air vents (one above the steering column and one in front of the passenger's knees down under the dash (big square vent - you can physically see it open). This creates a draft while driving down the road.

The two knobs below the steering column are AC. One controls freon/air temp and the other controls blower speed. If you have room temp air coming out the side vents but cool air in the middle, I'm not sure why that would be.

Freon is R12 until somewhere around 1994. You won't be able to buy it yourself but a shop can charge it for you, just call around until you can find a shop that has R12. You can also retrofit to R134a but I really don't know anything about that.
Ok, I see its working now and I need to recharge as it is cool but it isn't as cool as I would like it to be. I was told by the previous owner it needed to be recharged as well. I did notice that my jeep started overheating the other day when the ac was on at idle. I've never had an overheating problem until I turned on the ac and it only happens if I sit at idle for about 10 minutes with the ac on full blast. Is that the actual ac pump or something else that could be causing that?
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts