90 YJ not cranking

not cranking? Not spinning.
Not firing? cranks but doesn't try to start.

If the motor is turning over, is there ANY signs of it trying to fire?` gonna need more info in order to be much help.
Did you mark the old HEI housing and cap with a painted line for cylinder 1 at top dead center before taking out the old one. Is the rotor lined up with the mark on the old cap when you installed the new one? If not, you are probably out on timing. I had to change mine last month and it took a few tries to get it inserted properly so the line met up. See YouTube for help in the process of you need it and consult a shop manual for the removal and insertion directions for your engine.
not cranking? Not spinning.
Not firing? cranks but doesn't try to start.

If the motor is turning over, is there ANY signs of it trying to fire?` gonna need more info in order to be much help.
That's very true. Different parts of the country it means totally different things.
Had the same issue. I am a shade tree mechanic but my brother is a professional mechanic.

A. In one case I had the distributor off by 180 degrees. New by stuff.

B. In another case my spark module went bad. Took six months to troubleshoot and solve.

If yours is new, I'll bet it is 'A.'