Recent content by Albert5

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    94 Jeep YJ No Start

    Will the engine momentarily crank when you spray starting fluid into the air filter housing?
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    93 YJ 4.0 Engine Ignition Issue

    Hey there, Thanks for your help guys. I did check the gap (0.035”) on all 6 plugs and wow, the number 6 plug gap was practically 0. The plug must have been “dinged” in shipment to cause it. Lesson learned, always check the spark plug gap on spark plugs before installing. The spark plugs are...
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    93 YJ 4.0 Engine Ignition Issue

    93YJ 4.0 Ignition Issue. After installing 6 new spark plugs, the engine misses while idling but runs good on the road at normal speeds. Any ideas why?
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    1995 dash lights / radio / tail lights not working

    I have a 93 YJ that had no tail lights, no dash lights and no seat belt buzzer. Using a test light, I found that there was no power coming to the tail lights. I stumbled across a forum string that suggested the headlight switch was a common problem with those symptoms. I purchased a new...