Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Hard top leak


New Member
Apr 19, 2021
1990 Sahara with 2 piece hard top. Noticed water in driver floor board. I see the seals are original and in bad shape. Where or what should I buy to replace. Way all should I change while I’m at it. M my first Jeep so sorry for any dumb questions. Thanks
2 piece hardtop? like in removable over the head part to fry ones balding head? You can still get a Mopar seal also if interested. I will get sXXt for this one however I gave up on both the Mopar and crown seals and use Black gorilla tape over the gap. have 0 leaks now even during monsoonal down pours at 65 mph. That being said you didnt say if its while sitting or when driving or?? Have a close look at the firewall above and below the heater box for open holes from somebodys custom work,a removed A/C system or the like. Another common source is the big black tube under the hood sprouting from the firewall and headed downward. Thats the drain tube from the cowl vent opening. Pull the grate off the cowl and look for dirt and leaves plugging things up. Then check to see if that black tube is plugged up with crud as well. Far as my mickey mouse tape goes Ive come to realize truth in anothers post where he said if Jeep made it, it will neither last or work correctly for long, that's why we owners have tools and an big aftermarket industry.
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2 piece hardtop? like in removable over the head part to fry ones balding head? You can still get a Mopar seal also if interested. I will get sXXt for this one however I gave up on both the Mopar and crown seals and use Black gorilla tape over the gap. have 0 leaks now even during monsoonal down pours at 65 mph. That being said you didnt say if its while sitting or when driving or?? Have a close look at the firewall above and below the heater box for open holes from somebodys custom work,a removed A/C system or the like. Another common source is the big black tube under the hood sprouting from the firewall and headed downward. Thats the drain tube from the cowl vent opening. Pull the grate off the cowl and look for dirt and leaves plugging things up. Then check to see if that black tube is plugged up with crud as well. Far as my mickey mouse tape goes Ive come to realize truth in anothers post where he said if Jeep made it, it will neither last or work correctly for long, that's why we owners have tools and an big aftermarket industry.
Hey, duct tape works!
I've seen soft tops that were more tape than top.
Many winters ago I got stuck driving my flatty to work and had to build a top and doors out of plywood and plastic sheet.
And I Red Green'ed crap out of it.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts