Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

YJ won't start (wiring issue?)


New Member
Aug 9, 2020
Paris ky
I just bought a 95 wrangler changed oil yesterday daughter drove it for couple hours started this am for about 5 min then wouldn’t start back no fire to coil wire traced it back to the firewall behind brake booster no fire there either looks like it goes into computer behind washer fluid. Tried a jumper wire from battery to coil wire still crank no start all other electric components seem to work when key is on. Any help would be appreciated
Grab the Wiring Diagrams. There's a lot of stuff that can cause a no-start. First place I'd look would be the automatic shut down relay. It and the fuel pump relay are in the power distribution center under the hood, and operate together. Fuse 1 (30A) in the power distro serves load current to that entire circuit. The relay is activated by power from the ignition switch through Fuse 5 (10A) under the dash. It hots up the Dark Green/Orange wire which feeds the coil and the injectors.

All of these circuits are grounded through the ECM (left firewall behind the washer fluid), so just jumping the Dark Green/Orange wire to V+ won't necessairly bypass the problem, but if that circuit doesn't energize when you turn the key on, that's the first thing to fix.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts