Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

YJ Door Latch Compatibility Questions


New Member
Sep 22, 2021
Hi,all. Just got a YJ and needing to fix the driver's side door latch and locks. I've got it all torn down, and, unfortunately, the door latch mechinism is toast. Previous owner messed with it, bent stuff etc... So, I need to buy a new door latch module. This is for a 1993 with full doors. The problem is, I can't find one. The module has four mounting screws to mount it in the door, and grab attachments to connected the rods that go up to the door handle--and the rods have threads on the end where it attached to the module. I can find this module...

but it's for a half door. Are there any other ones that will work? Any other options? Thanks for your help.
Pretty sure that year is a Chrysler product......You might get lucky and find that latch on Chrysler passenger cars or possibly
it was also used on Dakota mid-sized pick-ups....See if you have a You-Pull-It junk yard close to you and check it out......
What ever you do save what isnt broke. I went thru the ringer trying to find door latch linkage and parts for my 95. I finally used a small rope attached to the door latch mechanism to unlatch the doors from inside as I couldent find parts.

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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters