Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

Multi-function switch plug stuck half way down 95 YJ


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2023
Ridgefield WA
Hi All
I am in the process of installing a new multifunction switch into my 95 YJ tilt steering column. After cutting out the old switch, I attached a "pull" wire to the new switch's plug and feeding the plug of the new harness into the top of the column, I managed to get the plug stuck half way down the steering column. I cannot now pull the plug back up or pull it any farther down to the bottom of the steering column where it is supposted to plug into the harness. I did remove the upper 4 bolts holding the steering column to the frame.


What am I doing wrong?
Randy from Ridgefield WA
Search Jeep solid or power addicts channels on YouTube. Both videos are good. I had to do the whole process twice after the first replacement switch was crap.
Thanks Redbullet, I was following Power Addicts' video. I did everything he mentioned except for the 1/4 rod to help open things up. Did you use the rod? If so how long of a rod is necessary?
I do have intermittent wipers and it looks like that harness is in the way of where he inserted the rod to open things up.
OK Problem solved. After studying an exploded diagram of my 95 YJ with a tilt column and intermittent wipers, I realized that completely removing the upper steering column support bracket would allow me to lift the cable guard off its mounting bosses on the steering column. I slid the guard down the column just enough to expose the entire guard and it opened up like a clam shell exposing the wiper control cables. This made it easy to pull the stuck multi function switch plug down into its proper position and slide it into the cable guard along side the wiper cables. I reversed the process to put everything back together.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators