Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Left blinker is erratic


New Member
Aug 17, 2020
I have a 91 YJ. The issue is the right side blinker works fine the left side blinker blinks erratic all the bulbs are good but none light up. The other problem is the fuse for the brake light/Hazard was blown and when you put a new one in it blows instantly also no flashers thanks for any help
thanks for your reply dude man my first problem is that in the power distribution center there is no fuse for hazard flash there’s a fuse for the fog lights as a number five fuse on the cover for the distribution center it shows that there should be a 20 amp fuse at the endBut there isn’t anything for it


The Hazard fuse is the 5th one from the right in the Power Distro (the "brake/haz" fuse under the dash does not protect the hazard circuit like it says it does). The hazard fuse should be 20A, but from your description I'm betting it's either ok, or like the brake light fuse will blow as soon as you replace it. There's one place where your three problem circuits all come together, and a single malfunction could easily cause all the symptoms you're describing; the turn signal switch.

Hazard Fuse.jpg
thanks. funny you say about the turn signal switch because im also having blinker problems to where the right blinker works fine but the left side blinks erratic and no blinker lights on the left side.
Yep. I supposed your wire harness could have gotten crushed or a connector fried in a way that would cause all that, but my money's on the turn signal switch. Kind of a bummer; it's not fun to get to and fish out of the steering column. There are youtube videos on it; I'd watch a few to get an idea what the job will be like.
Yep. I supposed your wire harness could have gotten crushed or a connector fried in a way that would cause all that, but my money's on the turn signal switch. Kind of a bummer; it's not fun to get to and fish out of the steering column. There are youtube videos on it; I'd watch a few to get an idea what the job will be like.
Thanks for all your help. I took the whole column apart and found a spot in the wiring that was cut that must have been grounding its self. Taped it up and tested it and all was good. Put it all back together and everything works. Thanks again.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters