Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts

Ignition problem


New Member
Oct 9, 2021
A few weeks ago, I was driving on the interstate. My 93 wrangler just shut off. After stopping, wouldn't crank either. Got it towed home. Tried starting it after it was off the tow truck, fired right up. Moved another vehicle of mine so I could put the Jeep there, then it wouldn't crank again. Have lights, horn, etc when I turn the key, no buzzer or dash lights. Finally got time to mess with it today. Put the key in, wiggled the key around and the buzzer went off for about a half second, then nothing again. Had a new ignition cylinder laying around so I put that in, nothing. There's some kind of plastic actuator with copper tabs that the ignition cylinder has something to do with. It was clearly broken, so I pulled the one out of mt 95 parts keep. Didn't help. Any ideas?
I didn't put the steering wheel back together, not sure if I needed to. I put the 3 screws in that hold the turn signal thing, and that's it before testing.
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What I see in your pic is not the lower "electrical" ignition switch. Google standard ignition "US105" Its a multi function contact for starting, accessories and that part of the system 4 or 6 cyl wrangler.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ engine mounts