Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters

Help with oil gauge!

Jul 20, 2020
Bridgeport, OH
I recently got this 1989 4.2 wrangler. I just changed the oil and noticed the oil gauge doing this. I am not sure if it was doing this before the oil change but the jeep was very low on oil before I changed it. I am assuming the problem would be the oil sending unit but I really have no idea.

Also I am hearing the oil draining really loudly after I shut it off and I don't see anything leaking on the floor... not sure if that is normal. I have a video of it.

I will be changing a lot of the fluids in this jeep, I don't think its been worked on in the past few years. So I'll be on here asking for help!

This is my first project type car and I am a beginner no doubt. Thanks for the help!

I have videos of the gauge and the oil dripping sound.

Oil guage:

Draining sound:
I would guess that is either a defective sender or a short in the gage wiring. Pull the wire off the sender and see if it still does that

I would also pull the valve cover and see if there's a lot of sludge.

One more thing about the gage. There are TWO senders on that engine,the normal one for the oil gage and a simple ON/OFF sender (down low in the rear of the passenger side) to tell the computer that the engine has started. If someone connected to the wrong sender, that might cause the issue also.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ shifters