Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators

Exhaust Hanger Replacement


New Member
May 5, 2020
Ive discovered that the exhaust hanger right at the tailpipe behind the passenger rear tire has decided to part ways with the rest of the jeep. I've searched and can locate pieces of the hangar, but no complete assemblies. All that's currently left is the a piece of the part that bolts to the frame so I need the whole assembly. Does anyone know of a good source for a whole hangar? I can piece one together but getting one complete is preferred.

I 'think' the attached picture is the complete assembly I'm looking for.


95 Wrangler S

Do you know how to weld and fabricate? If so, you can easily built yourself a new hanger. If not, any local exhaust shop can do it in a matter of minutes and they'll probably only charge you $60 or so.
I looked for one a while back and couldn't find it. There are a few out there that are close, and with access to a welder that was close enough. I bought a generic version and made it work.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler YJ radiators