Bestop Soft Top Advice


YJ Enthusiast
Supporting Member
Oct 2, 2020
Stick Red, Louisiana
I bought a used Spice color Besttop supertop, half-door uppers, bikini top, plus hardware included all for $150 from a seller on facebookmarketplace. I do not like the supertop hardware style and would rather the OEM style. Also, it looks like I will need a different softtop because it is not compatible with the OEM hardware.

Do I have to buy the Bestop OEM hardware and then buy a Replace-A-Top?
Hardware is $484.99 and the top is $549.99.
Is there no combo package deal?

If I were to resell my Supertop plus hardware, what would be a reasonable resale price? Looks like it is about $849.99 brand new. I feel I could make a little more than $150 to help pay for the different style.

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I think you are on the right track, but I would strongly encourage you to call Bestop. They may not list a combo package on their site, but my experience is that if you call them, they'll get you what you need.

I think how much you can sell yours for depends on condition. Honestly, I see most used ones going for around $500 unless they are brand new in the box.